3B Logistics Singapore

Logistics Company Singapore

3B Express Logistics Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based company with operations centered on freight forwarding, logistics and transportation services. Call at +65 6341 6451 Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/

Showing all posts tagged "Transportation Services Singapore"

Know the Major differences between Transportation and Logistics

Transportation service Singapore contributes more to the moving of physical goods. Logistics companies play an important role in the transportation of goods and services.
As a rule, the two go connected at the hip, since coordinations the board incorporates overseeing transportation and its expenses. In any case, for most organizations, when you set up the two, it turns into a long chain of different errands and obligations.

Know more about Transportation Services

Transportation as the word indicated is essentially moving items and materials starting with one spot then onto the next. This incorporates shipment of crude materials to the producer and development of completed items to the client. Transportation likewise incorporates the development of parts to gathering territories as they are collected.

When transportation helps to move your goods from point A to point B, logistics helps to reach your customers or the destination on time. This incorporates supervising transportation, just as capacity of materials, creation and stock administration. Coordinations additionally incorporates the bundling of items for capacity and shipment. Coordinations include both inner and outer conveyance systems.

So how can you minimise the cost of transportation

When you think of minimising the transportation service Singapore costs, the best way is to plan your transportation well ahead and minimise the trips. You can do this by discovering nearer providers. You can lessen transportation costs by uniting shipments, purchasing mostly amassed items from sellers and diminishing the quantity of excursions expected to dispatch in crude materials. Having work stations inside the production line near one another limits material transportation, which is a non-esteem included work cost.

The most effective method to Minimize Logistical Costs

When your goods arrive on time normally the planning of materials is important to reduce the cost in logistics company.Request parts in bundling that can be legitimately sent and loaded in the stockroom. This dispenses with the inefficient procedure of accepting, unloading and afterward naming items for the organization's own stock administration framework. Work with providers to have scanner tag names or RFID chips that are cross-perfect, permitting the whole flexible chain to utilize a similar part numbers and gear to follow and oversee stock.

Transportation and Logistical Risk

Solidifying shipments expands the danger of a lost shipment bringing a just in time mechanical production system to a stop. An unexpected lack will close down creation.
On the off chance that the provider is near to, a shutdown of air traffic or a gigantic gridlock across town won't keep parts from being strolled over. Providers that are not found close by must have different reinforcement courses for their item. In the event that the overnight conveyance truck can't leave on schedule, there should be an alleviation plan set up, for example, save vehicles or delivery organizations on retainer that can convey another vehicle and group to empty the down vehicle, reload to the new vehicle, and afterward convey the parts and material. 3B express is the leading logistics company in Singapore providing transportation services and logistics services at a more affordable price.

Large businesses or small businesses normally outsource their freight forwarding services to logistics companies. A good collaboration with the best logistics company in Singapore can help you to minimise the cost of your air freight services.

3B Express Logistics is the leading logistics company providing air freight Singapore and sea freight Singapore with expertise in transport and warehousing logistics services in Singapore. Contact now to learn more about our services.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

What are the General Documents required for Sea Freight Forwarding

Any goods transported from one country to another requires documentation, be it Sea Freight Singapore or any freight forwarding services. When you hire a logistics company they will take care of the documentation process when you provide the relevant information they require.

Shipping Forms

When your shipment travels from one country to another it requires to fulfil the countries requirements formalities. There are a lot of shipping documents which are required.
While you may not require these structures for every shipment, it's imperative to comprehend the reasons and necessities for each structure.


Lading Bill is basically the agreement between the proprietor of the products and the logistics company. There are really two kinds of Bills of Lading—the principal type is non-debatable, while the second is a debatable or shipper's organization Bill of Lading. The thing that matters is that a debatable Bill of Lading can be purchased, sold, or exchanged while the products are in travel though a non-debatable Bill of Lading can't.

Business Invoice

Your delivery archives will incorporate a business invoice. A business receipt is a bill for the merchandise from the vendor to the purchaser. Governments frequently utilize these solicitations to decide the genuine estimation of the products when they're surveying taxes and custom obligations. You may likewise need to give extra duplicates of the business receipt. A few nations require a consular receipt. Consular solicitations are records that portray the shipment of products and show other data, for example, the shipper, proctor, and estimation of the shipment.

Endorsement of Origin

When you do sea freight Singapore to other countries, few of the countries would require a certificate of Origin. This is fundamentally a checked clarification that nuances the origin region of the passage thing. For the most part, Certificates of Origin are marked through semi official associations, for example, a nearby Chamber of Commerce. It's basic to understand that a Certificate of Origin may be required whether or not the business receipt starting at now contains comparable information.

Shipper's Export Declaration (SED)

Cargo delivering documentation isn't constrained to the records required by the goal nation. Fares are likewise reported for authentic purposes. That is the reason you have to round out a Shipper's Export Declaration (SED). SEDs additionally should be readied, paying little heed to esteem, for shipments that require a fare permit or are bound for nations that are limited by the Export Administration Regulations. By and large, SEDs are set up by the exporter or exporter's specialist and conveyed to the bearer.


A protection endorsement is utilized to guarantee the proctor that protection will cover the loss of or harm to freight during travel. The insurance support will detail what is made sure about and for how much.

Significance of Having Correct Documentation

It's critical to have the right documentation when sending out merchandise of any sort. You should set up legitimate archive the executives practices to guarantee that your fares show up on schedule. Obviously, it is to your greatest advantage to follow the prerequisites set out by the pertinent remote nation for sending out products. 3B Express logistics company in Singapore guides you in all processes and helps in hassle free transportation taking care of documentation.

Additionally, consistently ensure your trucks are conveying a full load and pick the most savvy bundling and transportation service Singapore techniques for every freight.

3B Express Logistics is the leading logistics company providing sea freight and air freight Singapore with expertise in transport and warehouse services Singapore. Contact now to learn more about our services.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

How Retailers can benefit from Air Freight Services - 4 Essential Factors

Businesses choose the services which are very responsive and fastest. Air freight Singapore is considered as the fastest mode of transportation by any business who is looking for prompt transportation. Airship cargo specialist organizations Freight Forwarders can help you effectively deal with the interest for fast satisfaction and dispersion forms while enhancing time and cost efficiencies.

1) Quick Delivery

Freight forwarding services give flexibility. Air freight services limits unanticipated deterrents and postponements. It is perfect for request satisfaction during top periods, for example, occasions, which are a crucial time in the retail business. Next trip puts your load on the most readily accessible takeoff. "Facilitated air," as it's likewise known, is the most expensive of the three airship cargo alternatives. Merged air shipments consolidate your shipment with others for transport at a set time. Union may give you a superior opportunity to arrange airship cargo rates. Conceded dispatching is an extraordinary decision for lower-need request satisfaction. You spare expenses since products hang tight for space on a planned trip on the third, fourth or fifth business day.

2) Less Handing

In Air Freight Singapore services, your shipments are safe. Did you realize that air payload shippers have a more significant level of preparing than different shippers? That is the first in addition to. Different ways you can utilize air freight delivery to help secure delicate products: There's less taking care of Next Flight Out versus union with different bundles. Pack it right. Endorsed offers a lot of pressing tips, including explicit recommendations for pressing delicate things. Air payload administrations furnish little and medium-size exporters with the affirmation that their shipments are being taken care of appropriately.

3) Storage Costs

Get your products where they have to go without fail. You'll get regularly updated notices, alongside access to our web based following help. Our specialists will investigate your flexible chain and assist you with discovering chances to improve perceivability into every shipment, with better detailing after some time. You can depend on air load delivery to show up without delays, contrasted with transportation over streets, the sea, or both. Combined air transporting permits you to design proficiently, as per set flight plans. Hiring sea freight Singapore services provides a good quality and affordable price.

4) Reliable transportation

Regardless of where it needs to go, your item will be there. Nowadays, retailers can't bear to neglect the go-anyplace now adaptability of airship cargo. Planes can land in even the most distant territories lacking sea access and great streets. Airship cargo delivery can open up new markets and empower littler organizations to contend on a worldwide scale.

Import and fare all inclusive for a bigger scope with airship cargo. Air payload is a key piece of a solid gracefully chain procedure for retailers. On-request responsiveness is staying put, however overseeing gracefully tie coordinations shouldn't be a weight. Best Logistics Company works with retailers and organizations around the world, making it simple to execute and reduce the cost.

Additionally, consistently ensure your trucks are conveying a full load and pick the most savvy bundling and transportation service Singapore techniques for every freight.

3B Express Logistics is the leading logistics company providing sea freight and air freight Singapore with expertise in transport and warehouse services Singapore. Contact now to learn more about our services.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

How to start a Successful Transportation And Logistics Company

Starting a Transportation business in Singapore is easier and as a Logistics Company Singapore you need to know the essential tips that would help you to run your transportation business successfully. Numerous business people attempt to get into the business, however they wind up falling flat. Building an effective Transport services business is something beyond picking great courses or conveying merchandise quicker.

1. Shipping

When you start the logistics business, you must be aware of the two most basic transportation strategies; Less than Truckload (LTL) and Full Truckload (FTL). In any case, in the event that you are simply beginning your vehicle and coordinations business, picking the correct transportation technique can be precarious.

Truckload Shipping

LTL (Less than Truckload) is a transportation technique that consolidates various shipments from various customers. In this way, your customers are just compensation dependent on the heaviness of the merchandise or the space that they have to store their products.
LTL is an ideal decision in the event that you have a great deal of customers from little scope organizations, in light of the fact that by and large they just need to dispatch products in little amounts, yet it takes somewhat longer to arrive at their goals because of continuous stops.

Full Truckload Shipping

FTL is a kind of ground cargo transportation that permits an organization to dispatch their products utilizing a whole truck paying little heed to the quantity of things stacked in the truck. Consequently, they are required to pay for one truck. Be that as it may, most vehicle and coordination organizations offer various sorts and sizes of trucks depending on the number and weight of the load.

2. Set a strategical Rate

Your transportation administration rate decides how much benefit you will get. Your rate ought to be sufficiently high to make a benefit and spread your working expenses. Be that as it may, setting your rate excessively high with no additional worth can make you lose to your rivals.

Keep in mind that there are numerous other vehicle and coordination organizations out there that are focusing on your possibilities too. In addition, you will likewise need to rival agents with appealing offers. So you have to direct statistical surveying.

3. Operational Cost

Understanding your working expenses is significant and it helps to minimise the expenses of your operation costs. Operational costs of Freight forwarding services can be minimised. In the event that you don't have a clue about your fixed and variable expenses decisively, at that point you will experience issues realizing your business benefits and misfortunes. Fixed expenses incorporate driver compensations, protection, grants, etc, while variable expenses incorporate fuel and support costs.

Fuel costs are generally the hardest part to follow. Be that as it may, with a computerized transportation the executives framework, following fuel utilization is easy. This framework permits you to screen fuel utilization per truck, making it simpler for you to realize which truck expends the most fuel, what number of miles a truck has voyage, and how much fuel costs spent by each truck.

Sparing working expenses is significantly simpler in the event that you have a proficient bookkeeping framework. Manual fiscal reports are generally inclined to mistakes and they make it hard for you to make sense of your business pay.

4. Automate

Dealing with a vehicle and coordinations business physically is verifiably tiring and bothering particularly on the off chance that you have a huge armada. In addition, you should experience issues examining your business execution; what components cause misfortunes, what elements need improvement, or what variables lead to benefits.

So as to stand apart from your rivals, you should continue improving your vehicle. One of the best ways is to actualize a computerized answer for the vehicle business or otherwise called transport the executives programming. Shipment planning just as fuel utilization, payload and driver following should be possible consequently by the framework, in this way helping you fundamentally spare costs, time and exertion.

Additionally, consistently ensure your trucks are conveying a full load and pick the most savvy bundling and transportation service Singapore techniques for every freight.

3B Express Logistics is the leading logistics company providing sea freight and air freight Singapore with expertise in transport and warehouse services Singapore. Contact now to learn more about our services.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

The 4 essential Tips you need to know before working with a Freight Forwarder

Freight forwarding companies are everywhere in Singapore and around the world. When you are looking to hire a logistics company Singapore the 4 tips which are listed below might be helpful for your business.

1) Don't "Over Pack" Shipments

Last minute packing is always not good and would lead to chaos, be it transportation services, freight forwarding or sea freight forwarding. Plan well ahead of time. Expect that there might be issues with "a minute ago" shipments – it's hard enough to discover space on vessels far ahead of time, not to mention booking shipments a minute ago. It is not necessarily the case that your shipments will come up short whenever booked late, however you may need to understand a more significant expense point or a postponed holder.

2) Consistent Schedule

Numerous organizations have consistent shipment plans. On the off chance that you transport on a regular and predictable premise, be totally straightforward and useful of this to your cargo forwarder. 3PL's will put aside a reliable booked opportunity to take a shot at these client's shipments. What's more, volume encourages us to haggle with our transporters and the investment funds are given to our clients. At the point when you let us know ahead of time of the volume you'll be dispatching, we can offer increasingly serious statements.

3) Proper Communication

Correspondence is significant when working with Air Freight Singapore service providers. Data pretty much all important current and future tasks can help in driving volume costs down as referenced previously. Working with a cargo forwarder shouldn't be troublesome – particularly when desires, obligations, and tasks are unmistakably conveyed inside sensible time.

4) Clear Documentation

If you want your logistics company Singapore to process your shipments without any delay then a proper documentation of the cargo is important. Nearby and remote traditions and guidelines expect reports to be petitioned for an assortment of reasons. Set up a procedure for how you will acquire and send archives to your cargo forwarder. Without an obviously settled procedure, archives will undoubtedly be overlooked, lost, or confounded. Work with your freight forwarder and ask how they suggest you ought to deal with your documentation for shipping.

Working with a freight forwarder working for an authentic business relationship. Pursuing least value sellers on a for every shipment premise will immediately place you in a predicament. The best procedure for working with a cargo forwarder is to choose a Freight forwarder and not a redistributed, per-venture administration. As expressed previously, these connections can bring down your general transportation services Singapore costs due to arranged volume rates.

3B Express logistics in Singapore provides the best transport service be it road, air or ship. Speak to us now to get the best rates and available options.

3B Express logistics is the leading logistics company Singapore with expertise in Warehouse Logistics and transportation service singapore. Contact now to learn more about our services. Call us directly in any of the numbers for us to detail more about the air and sea freight singapore services + (65) 6341 6451 or + (65) 6341 6452 or + (65) 6341 6453 or + (65) 6341 6454.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

3 Top Factors to Consider Air Freight over Sea Freight

When it comes to transportation for your business you have to make some serious decisions regarding the mode of transport. You may have to either choose between Air Freight Singapore or Sea Freight Singapore based on your business needs. Regardless of whether you're a business that will send abroad constantly or an individual moving to another nation, concluding whether to go with sea cargo or airship cargo is a significant decision. There are four key factors that you ought to consider when deciding on the choice of transport for your goods.

Air Freight or Sea Freight Forwarding?

Speed and Reliability versus Cost Factors. In the event that you totally need to realize your bundles will arrive securely and on schedule, regardless of the cost, you are in an ideal situation with air transporting. In the event that you are progressively worried about the effect of your delivery on the earth and with setting aside cash, sea transporting is a superior decision for you.

1. Cost

You likely don't need to be advised to think about the expenses before an endeavor. As a representative, you think about the primary concern and as an individual, you have a spending plan. Normally, you're going to need to realize which will cost you less, airship cargo or sea cargo. Regularly, you will hear that delivery by sea is less expensive than transportation via air.
To settle on the best choice, it assists with being taught about how Logistics company charge for global transportation. Carriers charge you by what is known as a chargeable weight. Chargeable weight is determined from a mix of the weight and size of a shipment. With bigger and heavier shipments, it is frequently a lot less expensive to send via ocean. As a shipment gets littler, the edge between the costs gets littler and now and then air will even wind up more affordable.

Shippers should take note of that there are goal charges to consider. In the case of transportation via air or via ocean, there will be customs and goal expenses. While the real shipment cost of sea freight is normally less expensive than the shipment cost of airship cargo. However you should also consider the warehouse charges in the shipping terminal as it is too expensive compared to the air freight.

2. Fast Delivery

Air Freights are speedier than sea freight. Since time is cash, this factor could more than compensate for a greater expense of flying load. Numerous ocean shipments can take around a month to show up while an air shipment takes a day or two. For most business transportation, quicker is better. It ought to be noticed that innovation continues pushing ahead in the worldwide delivery world. We have shorter delivery routes identified.

3. Dependability
Unwavering quality is something we as a whole search for in individuals, organizations, items, and administrations. Air Freight cargo delivering has a whole lot shorter history than sea cargo dispatching, yet airship cargo will in general win the clash of unwavering quality. Flights get postponed by climate and different components, however carriers will in general be very on head of their calendars. Sea transporters are infamous for being terrible about this. For some, a day or two anywhere doesn't do any harm; be that as it may, for some organizations, a day or two could have genuine cost impacts. With aircrafts, there are generally day by day trips to and fro between significant urban communities around the globe. Along these lines, failing to catch a plane doesn't cause a very remarkable deferral for a load shipment. Sea lines will in general have week by week plans. Missing the cutoff at a seaport implies a more drawn out postponement.

3B Express Logistics for Air Freight or Sea Freight

3B express Logistics in Singapore can help you with Air Freight forwarding or Sea Freight Forwarding. We can also advise the best choice for the transportation of your goods.

Whichever you pick, our prepared specialists will do everything conceivable to address your issues with regards to transportation of your products, regardless of whether that implies speed, dependability, minimizing expenses, or taking the most earth benevolent course. We have a colossal system of transportation experts that permits us to discover the perfect delivery technique for you.

3B Express logistics in Singapore provides the best transport service be it road, air or ship. Speak to us now to get the best rates and available options.

3B Express logistics is the leading logistics company Singapore with expertise in Warehouse Logistics and transportation service singapore. Contact now to learn more about our services. Call us directly in any of the numbers for us to detail more about the air and sea freight singapore services + (65) 6341 6451 or + (65) 6341 6452 or + (65) 6341 6453 or + (65) 6341 6454.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

Hiring A Professional Transportation Services in Singapore - Know the 5 important factors

Are you looking to hire the best logistics company Singapore for your transportation? Then you must read this article before you hire a freight forwarder. Your flight gets in late and you would prefer not to trouble the individuals you're dropping by. So how would you get to your last goal? Fortunate for you, transportation administrations are there to help. You pay attention to getting from here to there, however, so you would prefer not to jump in the vehicle with just anybody. So how would you know which transportation service provider you can trust?

1. Location

Finding a freight forwarding company near you will help. A few organizations work in a few zones, so check sites or different spots with organization data. Prior to booking, ensure the administration goes to the air terminal where you'll be showing up, and that they go to the area or city you have to get to. Hiring air freight singapore provides quality services.

2. Ensure the Cost Is Reasonable

Continuously take an analysis of what every transportation administration charges. The exact opposite thing you need is a shockingly huge charge you aren't set up to pay. Ensure their rates are sensible. On the off chance that you aren't acquainted with transportation rates, set aside some effort to discover what a sensible cost would be. At that point utilize that data to discover an assistance you're content with.

3. Confirm Reputation

You ought to consistently ensure your Logistics Company has a good reputation. You can locate this out by perusing client surveys. Never pass by a site alone. All organizations will publicize their administrations as the best. Audits, then again, give you genuine encounters and musings from individuals who have utilized the administration. Regardless of whether the administration worked superbly or not, you'll know from understanding audits.

While understanding surveys, ensure you search for remarks with respect to the things that are imperative to you. You'll likely discover the solutions to your inquiries and possibly get some other accommodating goodies en route.

4. Pick Excellent Customer Service

A transportation service provider must help you in need. That implies you ought to hope to be dealt with well. Incredible client assistance is one indication of a transportation organization that accepts their position truly. Anticipate a well disposed greeting and welcome, gracious discussion, and aware treatment when you converse with your driver. Your security ought to be regarded, and they should ensure you're agreeable. Hiring a professional transportation service Singapore provides quality services with affordable prices.

5.Opt for Vehicle Size You Need

You have very less item to get transported, then opt for a vehicle size indicating your volume of goods. Some may just offer standard-sized transportation vehicles. In the event that you have a bulk cargo, hire a transportation service provider who offers the best vehicle to transport your goods.

3B Express logistics in Singapore provides the best transport service be it road, air or ship. Speak to us now to get the best rates and available options.

3B Express logistics is the leading logistics company Singapore with expertise in Warehouse Logistics and freight forwarding. Contact now to learn more about our services. Call us directly in any of the numbers for us to detail more about the air and sea freight singapore services + (65) 6341 6451 or + (65) 6341 6452 or + (65) 6341 6453 or + (65) 6341 6454.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

5 Essential Tips for Improving your Warehouse Capabilities

An organization's success depends on timely delivery and happy customers. Little things make your customers happy, hence it is vital to improve your capabilities. Warehousing logistics isn't just storing everything in a good place and delivering products on time, logistics companies should also consider maximising the efficiency of the warehouse.

A few practices like proper labeling are instinctive and should be possible without the utilization of programming. Few other standardized identifications like scanners, and RFID frameworks are all parts of distribution center and stock administration frameworks that emphasize on observing the progression of items and improving exactness with programming.

It doesn’t matter if you have a big multi channel Warehouse or a small distribution warehouse center, rolling out some straightforward improvements can without much of a stretch improve working environment productivity. Here are some useful hints for improving a distribution center's exhibition that can be applied to any stockroom activity.

1.Keep an eye on capabilities

Improving the efficiency of your warehouse without proper examination is not possible. It is imperative to measure in the event that you are utilizing your accessible assets without limit. Is there a progression of products in and merchandise out? Any improper changes inside the chain will affect contrarily all through the entire procedure. Regularly this implies to determine an issue in the framework, the entire framework must be explored. It's no utilization upholding another framework in one region if something different isn't working accurately.

2. Distribution Center Design

It's an undeniable point to make that great distribution center proficiency and the format of a stockroom go connected at the hip, however an efficient stockroom can immediately get confused and hard to explore, which can back your staff off and lead to various security perils. Continuously keep mind the design of your distribution center and ensure your staff are following the right strategies and adhering to the most proficient courses.

3. Predict Ahead

As a Warehouse Services Singapore, you would be aware of the peak season for eg occasions like Hari raya, Great Singapore Sale would draw in more goods. A business programming framework, which incorporates request estimating helps to modify the shifts and prepare in advance the spacings etc to fit the goods.

4. Track your Goods

You would now be able to get total following and start to finish recognizability of items. By utilizing the most recent area following innovation, 3B Express Logistics tracks the area of your items through assembling, quality control, warehousing and dispatch. In the event that you decide to follow singular things, handheld perusers permit you to distinguish items off-site to recognize fakes or access support records. Utilizing a computerized following framework not just lessens search times, it decreases work expenses and business process delays. It likewise guarantees quality records are precise by destroying mistakes normally connected with manual procedures.

5. Keep on head of stock

Overloading of things is one of the greatest agony focuses for many wholesalers, and many wind up discounting a lot of unsold or terminated stock all the time. Begin setting up a framework which shows your stock continuously, giving answering to help your stock administration.

Ensuring a proper training of the staff to handle the situations will help to increase the efficiency of the Warehousing capabilities.

3B Express logistics is the leading logistics company Singapore with expertise in Warehouse Logistics. Contact now to learn more about our services. Call us directly in any of the numbers for us to detail more about the air freight singapore services + (65) 6341 6451 or + (65) 6341 6452 or + (65) 6341 6453 or + (65) 6341 6454.

Visit: http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

Air Freight Shipments in Singapore - 3B Express Logistics, Complete Logistics Solutions Provider

3B Express Logistics Pte Ltd is a professional logistics company Singapore with operations centered on freight forwarding, logistics and transportation services. As a freight forwarding provider in Singapore, we are known for specialty Freight forwarding solutions that’s second to none, and we provide best transport and warehousing services dedicated to delivering optimum solutions to customers, locally and globally.

Air Freight Singapore

Air freight shipments are the transfer of goods through an air carrier. Air freight Singapore services can vary from transfer of small parcels to bulk oversized cargo which needs heavy air lift. Air freight services help to do shipments in an easier and quicker way. In this article we will learn more about the Air freight services of 3B express logistics, one of the leading and best Air freight singapore service providers

Air freights are fast and affordable, you get your goods delivered to the location within a short period of time around the world and also value for money as you need not wait for your goods to be delivered days later. Air freight services are most useful for companies to transfer their products around the globe thus enabling them to improve their export.

Estimated delivery time of the goods can be calculated as there won’t be much delay in the air services and if at all there is a delay it can be estimated and informed beforehand to your customers. Air freight shipments are faster in delivery and hence the rate of the shipment is more, however 3B express logistics provides these air freight shipment services at a more affordable price in Singapore.

Call us directly in any of the numbers for us to detail more about the air freight singapore services + (65) 6341 6451 or + (65) 6341 6452 or + (65) 6341 6453 or + (65) 6341 6454. Visit http://www.3bexpresslogistics.com/ to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

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Sea Freight Singapore Freight Forwarding and Transportation Service Singapore

3B Express Logistics Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based enterprise with operations centered on freight forwarding, logistics company Singapore it gives transportation for 3B Express is your one stop Singapore Total Freight Solutions Provider. We offer the first-rate warehouse storage services in Singapore and commercial storage services in Singapore that’s 2nd to none. With rapt interest to detail in all we do, we ensure that your cargo gets brought without delay to your consignee’s doorstep inside schedule (right on time). Right from the point of series to the factor of delivery, we make sure that each of our clients experience the first-class consumer carrier. As a main logistics solution company Singapore enterprise, we provide door to door logistics Singapore operation that is surprisingly dependable and additionally affordable.

As a freight forwarding provider in Singapore, we're recognised for uniqueness Freight forwarding solutions that’s 2nd to none, and we offer great shipping and warehousing services devoted to handing over optimum solutions to customers, domestically and globally.

Sea Freight Singapore

At 3B Express gives Sea Freight Singapore – we've substantial enjoy in dealing with each import & export sea freight shipments to and from seaports, and inland locations across the globe. Our lengthy established community of worldwide freight partners has empowered us to develop extremely good service standards with all our sea shipments operations.
  • Packing and Packaging of general and hazardous Cargoes/Personal Effects/Household Goods
  • Marine Insurance
  • Fumigation
  • Customs Clearance
  • Arranging and preparing of Certificate of Origin
  • Worldwide import and export Sea Freight consolidation services
  • LCL (Less Than Container Load) and FCL (Full Container Load) of dangerous/Hazardous shipments
  • Door to Door services (DDU and DDP)
  • Break Bulk/Conventional/Over-sized Special Equipment containers and RORO (Roll on/Roll off) Shipments
  • Reefer Shipments
  • Buyer’s Consolidations
  • Trans loading of containers in Free-Trade Zone warehouses in Singapore, Port Klang and Malaysia

Transportation Service Singapore:

3B Express is your one stop Singapore Total Freight Solutions Provider. We offer the wonderful warehouse storage services, transportation service Singapore and business storage offerings in Singapore that’s second to none. With rapt hobby to element in all we do, we make sure that your cargo receives introduced without delay for your consignee’s doorstep inner schedule (right on time). Right from the aspect of series to the component of delivery, we make sure that every of our customers revel in fine customer service. As a major logistics offering in Singapore, we offer door to door logistics Singapore operation. This is mainly reliable and additionally affordable.
  • Trucks with/without Tailgates
  • Prime movers for containers with/without tri axle chassis
  • Prime movers with low bed chassis for special equipment and project cargos
  • Cranes and lorry crane with operating supervisor
  • Police escort for over–sized/project cargo
  • Container Depot/Yard storage
  • Local delivery and distributions
  • Cross-border trucking
  • 3rd Party Logistics Transporter

Mobile: +65 6341 6451
Mobile: +65 6341 6452
Address: 25 Kaki Bukit Road 4, #06-77, Synergy @ KB, Singapore 417800
Email: sales@3bexpresslogistics.com