Air Freight Shipments in Singapore - 3B Express Logistics, Complete Logistics Solutions Provider

3B Express Logistics Pte Ltd is a professional logistics company Singapore with operations centered on freight forwarding, logistics and transportation services. As a freight forwarding provider in Singapore, we are known for specialty Freight forwarding solutions that’s second to none, and we provide best transport and warehousing services dedicated to delivering optimum solutions to customers, locally and globally.

Air Freight Singapore - Logistics Company Singapore

Air Freight Singapore

Air freight shipments are the transfer of goods through an air carrier. Air freight Singapore services can vary from transfer of small parcels to bulk oversized cargo which needs heavy air lift. Air freight services help to do shipments in an easier and quicker way. In this article we will learn more about the Air freight services of 3B express logistics, one of the leading and best Air freight singapore service providers

Air freights are fast and affordable, you get your goods delivered to the location within a short period of time around the world and also value for money as you need not wait for your goods to be delivered days later. Air freight services are most useful for companies to transfer their products around the globe thus enabling them to improve their export.

Estimated delivery time of the goods can be calculated as there won’t be much delay in the air services and if at all there is a delay it can be estimated and informed beforehand to your customers. Air freight shipments are faster in delivery and hence the rate of the shipment is more, however 3B express logistics provides these air freight shipment services at a more affordable price in Singapore.

Call us directly in any of the numbers for us to detail more about the air freight singapore services + (65) 6341 6451 or + (65) 6341 6452 or + (65) 6341 6453 or + (65) 6341 6454. Visit to learn more about the other logistics services available in Singapore

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